Diet Routine, Tips and More!
Dieting Tips-Drink a big glass of water before you eat so you eat less.
-Drink a big glass of water when ever you find yourself looking for a snack. Often after the water your not hungry. -Don’t by anything precooked or prepackaged for portions (chips, ice-cream gtg for the first month). If you don’t have it you can’t eat it. -Start each day with some vitamins to boost yourself if you have all your vitamins it helps curve cravings for food because you wont lack anything that can be found in a certain food. (culsult a Doctor befroe starting any vitamins everyone needs different things only a Doctor can determain.) -Try to add one outdoor activity that takes 30 minutes or more to your day. -No food after 5 pm or 3-4 hours before your go to sleep, it will all turn to fat. |
Ashley's Routine and Go to FoodsRoutine:
60 situps 2x a day, 20 each leg outer leg lifts from laying on side position, 20 each leg inner leg lift from side position cross upper leg in-front lift bottom leg, 10 min on stationary bike, 20 lift arms behind head towards the sky with 10lbs, 20 Butterfly kicks, 40 each leg Donkey kicks on your hands and knees kick your leg out behind and up -*~~~~~Eating tips: Go to foods, *Boiled eggs 90 calories *Any fresh fruit or vegetables *Milk 170 calories worth every whole drop in moderation. *Carnation instant breakfast under 300 calories with milk. My -mom would feed me this for breakfast growing up to make sure I was getting all my nutrition. - I found a new love for it during chemotherapy if I drank it in the mornings after treatment, I didn't feel as sick. *I don’t eat much meat I just don’t have a taste for it. I love animals and worry about colestoral. *I love peanut butter, great (w) celery *nuts for protein only effective if your not eating a lot of meat otherwise they can be fatty *Coffee get’s me going I also keep my vitamins next to the coffee maker starting a day with vitamin often helps keep me on track and focused on my health goals |
Original Blog Stories from Fab News Blog by Ashley Crossman
A childhood friend of mine message me asking for some advice on starting to lose weight. She mentioned how hard it is to lose the weight when your cooking for someone else and a family. This is the tips I had for her:
It’s very hard to cook healthy specially when your cooking for everyone.
A couple tips.
-Drink a big glass of water before you eat so you eat less.
-Drink a big glass of water when ever you find yourself looking for a snack often after the water your not hungry.
-Don’t by anything precooked or prepackaged for portions (chips, ice-cream gtg for the first month). If you don’t have it you can’t eat it.
-Start each day with some vitamins to boost yourself if you have all your vitamins it helps curve cravings for food because you wont lack anything that can be found in a certain food.
-Try to add one outdoor activity that takes 30 minutes or more to your day.
-No food after 5 pm it will all turn to fat.
So review Water when your hungry, Vitamins in the mornings (daily), No processed foods ( go for zero and you end up with a little ), And get outside 30 minutes a day not sitting do anything that moves you around. 5P.M. Is Kitchen cut off time. Also I don’t recommend any diets or menus, instead I recommend Count Calories learn how many are in what and count them up(always add 100 to anything you eat out.) Also I always try to stay under 1400 calories and ended up with a few more. It will be super hard to start and I recommend having lots of fruit and low calories food around to stat while your stomach shrink and the body get use to consuming less. Also remember when your looking for something to eat that’s when your body is eating your fat. So think that and drink water and wait for dinner time.
Ashley CrossmanAlso I will add it’s great to go to and use the diet tools to figure out your correct daily calorie intake. The tool calculates according to your personal information (i.e. height, weight excreta.)s I had for her:
To start I would exercise as much as I could, in the beginning all I could do was 10 min on the stationary bike then I was huffing and puffing. But I would get on it again the next day and the next and so on… Sometimes I would look down and see my LIVESTRONG bracelet and it helped me to push my self like Lance Armstrong did… I always had this mental image of him on a stationary bike in the hospital not willing to stop even for cancer.. and that pushed me to push myself. I’m not stopping for cancer at all. At first it seems like the world stopped and It did for me the day I found out. But after the room stopped spinning the world started back up and I decided I wanted to stay in it. :P :) That’s the moment my cancer died. It didn’t have a chance. My only problem was weight loss and body image, it has always been an issue with me and I was not liking the thoughts of chemotherapy and even worst the dreaded hair lose. So I put together this routine and diet to help me keep fit;
-*~~~~~Routine: 20 situps, 20 outer leg lift from laying on side position, 20 inner leg lift from side position upper leg crossed in-front lift bottom leg, 10 min on stationary bike, 20 lift arms behind head towards the sky
-*~~~~~Eating tips: Go to foods,
*Boiled eggs 90 calories,
*any fresh fruit or vegetables,
*Milk 170 calories worth every whole drop in moderation,
*Carnation instant breakfast under 300 calories (w) milk w/o less but who want’s powder?? not me, my -mom would feed me this for breakfast growing up to make sure I was getting all my nutrition
- I found a new love for it during chemotherapy if I drank it in the mornings after treatment,
*I don’t eat much meat I just don’t have a taste for it.
*I love peanut butter, great (w) celery
*nuts for protein only effective if your not eating a lot of meat otherwise they can be fatty,
*Coffee get’s me going I also keep my vitamins next to the coffee maker starting a day with vitamin often helps keep me on track and focused on my health goals